Mark and Tanya's beautiful studio barn, where 'Sparks' flew!

Fish, our mascot, who loved hugs and warm laps! He's a damn good reason to make that trip to Kingston!

Kaya, our skunk sprayed fine furry friend, who had to live outside. I sneaked a hug whenever I could hold my breath! Who doesnt want to hug that face?!

Happiness(in a can!) and yes Katherine spent most of her time in front of that laptop to keep the blog updated.
Mark Lewis gave us a demo and then suffered through the heat with all the things we made him make for us. Thanks Mark!
Carolyn Scandiffio, Mark Lewis and snow peas!!
My first flame throwing class with Nadia Tasci, it was a great class! And Shannon Kennedy made the perfect bead like a pro, I on the other hand, made a blue, cock-eyed fish with a large tumor.
Jim Lorriman, our epoxy king!

What a fabulous opportunity. You will have to let me know when the auction is so I can feast my eyes on all that joy.
ReplyDeleteCindy Vroom, Fusion